Will Niava

Finaliste dans la catégorie

Cinéaste/Réalisateur(trice) de l'année 2022

Félicitations à

Will Niava

pour la nomination dans la catégorie
Cinéaste/Réalisateur(trice) de l'année 2022

Will Niava is an award winning film director, based but not bound to Montreal, Accra and Abidjan. His first short film “ZOO” has racked up over 18 Awards around the world and has been selected to over 90 international film festivals. The film is available on the Criterion Collection as well as Vimeo Staff Picks.

Will has co-written a feature film with Academy Award nominee Jeremy Comte and also directed a TV series for Viacom CBS (MTV).

His second short film ELEMENT is set for its festival release by the end of 2021.

In the summer of 2021 Will signed under the La based production house FLORENCE Co. and has since done projects for Amazon Music, Billie Eilish and H.E.R.

Les autres nommé.e.s de la catégorie:

Cinéaste/Réalisateur(trice) de l'année 2022

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