Antoni Nerestant

Finaliste dans la catégorie

Journaliste (Presse Écrite) de l'année 2023

Félicitations à

Antoni Nerestant

pour la nomination dans la catégorie
Journaliste (Presse Écrite) de l'année 2023

An eight-year veteran at CBC Montreal, Antoni Nerestant prides himself on being able to tell stories about the biggest political and societal issues in the province, from covering the 2022 Quebec election to exploring the topics of systemic racism, domestic violence and climate change. He also occasionally goes back to his roots as a television journalist. In 2022, he travelled to Beijing, China to work as a field reporter cover the Winter Olympics.

Les autres nommé.e.s de la catégorie:

Journaliste (Presse Écrite) de l'année 2023