Stevens Dorcelus

Finaliste dans la catégorie

Personnalité web 2023

Félicitations à

Stevens Dorcelus

pour la nomination dans la catégorie
Personnalité web 2023

Stevens is a former professional track and field athlete, 2019 National Champion in Long jump. In 2017, he started the Jump Like Me movement wich is going to become a fondation in 2022. The mission is to encourage the youth to get into sports and give them more opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle. In 2021, Stevens was a contestant on Occupation Double. He made history as the first black contestant to win in the program’s 15-season run. He also earned second place as the public’s favorite among the 28 other candidates. The TV show and the documentary aren’t his first experiences in front of the cameras. He was the understudy of the actor Stephan James, who played the role of the great Jesse Owens in the movie Race. Also, Stevens is the main subject of an upcoming documentary about his life as a big brother and inspirational role model. The project is project directed by a professional filmmaker and was shot over a period of nine years. Production began in 2013 and is expected to be presented by the end of 2023. Stevens is excited about having a growing platform that will allow his voice to be heard. As he shares his story, he hopes to promote the importance of perseverance. The ultimate impact he would like to make, given the opportunity to reach his desired audience, is to maintain pure solidarity. Harmony is essential to him.

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Personnalité web 2023